Unit 4: Envisioning Our Ecological, Bioculturally Diverse School Grounds

In this unit, students will envision an ecological, bioculturally diverse school grounds at their school, and develop a plan for implementing their vision.

Please read the introduction to this curriculum before beginning any lessons.

Grade Level:

  • 6 - 12 grade or equivalent

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance Expectations:

Middle and high school:

  • Asking questions and defining problems

  • Constructing explanations and designing solutions

  • Engaging in argument from evidence

  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

5E Unit Element:

  • Elaborate

Ecological Society of America 4DEE Framework:

  • Human-Environment Interactions

  • Cross-Cutting Themes

Enduring Understandings (the Big Ideas)

Students will understand that:

  • Envisioning goals for the future is a way to consider all ideas and the values of others while working within parameters based on knowledge and data.

  • Community planning entails creating consensus that reflects the knowledge, data, and cultural values provided by those affected.

  • Successful implementation of a plan requires that a strong case be made for the plan's goals, with facts and data to support the case as well as its actualization.

Essential Questions

  • How can we use knowledge, data, and the input of others to envision ecological, bioculturally diverse school grounds at our school?

  • How can we take our vision of ecological, bioculturally diverse school grounds and create a plan to implement it?

  • How can we understand and respect the views of others while coming to consensus on our school grounds plan?


  • Contributions to class discussion

  • Quality of teamwork

  • Ecological, bioculturally diverse school grounds proposals

  • Descriptions of observations in student journals

  • Journal entries describing key takeaways from this lesson

  • Preparation of slide(s) for presentation in Lesson 5