Unit 4: Envisioning Our Ecological, Bioculturally Diverse School Grounds
In this unit, students will envision an ecological, bioculturally diverse school grounds at their school, and develop a plan for implementing their vision.
Please read the introduction to this curriculum before beginning any lessons.
Grade Level:
6 - 12 grade or equivalent
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance Expectations:
Middle and high school:
Asking questions and defining problems
Constructing explanations and designing solutions
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
5E Unit Element:
Ecological Society of America 4DEE Framework:
Human-Environment Interactions
Cross-Cutting Themes
Enduring Understandings (the Big Ideas)
Students will understand that:
Envisioning goals for the future is a way to consider all ideas and the values of others while working within parameters based on knowledge and data.
Community planning entails creating consensus that reflects the knowledge, data, and cultural values provided by those affected.
Successful implementation of a plan requires that a strong case be made for the plan's goals, with facts and data to support the case as well as its actualization.
Essential Questions
How can we use knowledge, data, and the input of others to envision ecological, bioculturally diverse school grounds at our school?
How can we take our vision of ecological, bioculturally diverse school grounds and create a plan to implement it?
How can we understand and respect the views of others while coming to consensus on our school grounds plan?
Contributions to class discussion
Quality of teamwork
Ecological, bioculturally diverse school grounds proposals
Descriptions of observations in student journals
Journal entries describing key takeaways from this lesson
Preparation of slide(s) for presentation in Lesson 5